
Web App
What does the 3GloCo team say about their web application?

“We want to help entrepreneurs to easily manage their business, simplify their daily tasks and possibly expand their business. We help with their organization and management of tasks that were forced to be postponed due to excessive workload and time constraints.

In order to achieve the goal of enabling small entrepreneurs to conduct their business more efficiently and flexibly, we focused on solving the main challenges that every entrepreneur has to deal with today.

They have to worry about every single detail. From procurement, sales, and processing payments, to accounting and marketing. To accomplish all these tasks they use various tools, that are not connected, which leads into an unmanageable situation, where controlling the whole processes becomes increasingly difficult. Then they have no time left to work on higher profitability or growth of the company.

An entrepreneur thus spends a lot of time running their business, instead of spending most of their time doing what makes them happy and for the reasons they opened their business in the first place.

A simple solution that offers everything in one place was needed. One that simultaneously connects you with other entrepreneurs in a large business community, called the 3GloCo community.

In the 3GloCo community you are never alone. You can find the latest information from the market and solutions to all your challenges. You live and grow with the 3GloCo community.”


  • Market research and analysis
  • Web application idea development
  • Web application design
  • Web application development
  • Strategic digital marketing consulting
  • Strategic IT consulting
  • Project management
Web application development - 3GloCo
Web application development - 3GloCo
Web application development - 3GloCo
Web application development - 3GloCo
Web application development - 3GloCo
Web application development - 3GloCo


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