Social media management

Seems pretty easy, right? You create a Facebook and Instagram profile, then LinkedIn and TikTok, post a couple of things and customers will be pouring in?

But then creating posts takes too much of your time, you're running out of ideas, and your bad mood increases because you're not getting any comments or likes. No one sends a request for your offer... And you don't know what the problem is; where did you go wrong?

When to post, which image and which text will work, how to encourage customers’ interaction...?


Think about how you talk when you're having a drink with your best friend, your boss, or your mother... You've just discovered something new, something great, and you want to share this experience immediately - you probably explain it with enthusiasm, but it's different depending on who you’re telling it to, isn't it?

Socialize in person – even online!


  • Review and analysis of existing content and competition research
  • Creating a strategy and consultation with the client
  • Graphic design and content creation
  • Writing copy for text ads, visual or video ads
  • Consistent editorial calendar for posting + preview of posts by the client
  • Responding to post comments and messages
  • Boosting posts


  • Merging content from older profiles (if necessary)
  • Basic information about the company
  • Profile descriptions
  • Editing profiles according to all current trends and standards
  • Professionally designed visuals
  • Link to website or online store



  • How often should you post on social media?

    Posting frequency varies from platform to platform. One post a day can be enough for Facebook and Instagram, but you need to be more active on X (formerly Twitter).

    For LinkedIn, it is recommended to post 1-2 times a week, YouTube would be happy with 1 post per week, and TikTok is greedy, as it wants as many as 1-3 posts a day!

    But don't forget - these are all just recommendations, the most important thing in the end is the consistency and quality of the posts.

  • What kind of content is the most effective?

    Easy to digest videos, stories and other content that encourages interaction with followers is what you should direct more attention to. People come to social media to relax, and if the content overloads their brain, they will simply ignore it.

    So... add subtitles to videos, written words should tell a story that makes sense, and interactive content (such as polls) should require simple answers like YES, NO, etc…

  • How to get more followers?

    You should post content that adds value to your followers and encourages them to comment and share it. With people who follow you → collaborate, respond to their comments, ask for their opinion. Be active in groups related to your profession and share your knowledge there.

    You can, of course, increase the number of followers faster with boosted posts.

  • What to do with negative comments?

    When you see a negative comment, always respond quickly and professionally. Don't get into arguments about who is right. Try to understand why the person who wrote the comment is angry. And if possible, resolve the issue privately.

    This shows other followers that you care about your customers' opinions. But we can tell you from experience that customer's anger cools down very quickly, when you pay attention to them.

  • Can I post the same content across all the platforms?

    You can, but we suggest you don't. Different groups of people are located on different social media platforms and require different approach.

    • Use high-quality visual content for Instagram.

    • It is good to use a mix of everything on Facebook - text posts, photos, videos... 

    • Speak in a business tone and post professional content on LinkedIn.

    • TikTok is great for short and fun videos.

    • For X (former Twitter), write short texts that quickly get the point across.

    • YouTube, on the other hand, requires quality videos that have added value (educate and/or entertain).


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