
Mobile app
A virtual wallet for Android users of the Coinsrace online platform. The mobile application gave Coinsrace users access to send and receive cryptocurrencies via QR code to/from other users.

There's an option to convert cryptocurrencies into EUR and vice versa available. It allowed a real-time complete overview of the history of all transactions and the current exchange rate.


  • Mobile application idea development
  • Mobile application design
  • Mobile application development
  • Project management
Mobile application development - MCoin
Mobile application development - MCoin


Stock Trader Pro

Mobile app
A platform for experienced stock traders on the US stock market to share their views and experiences....


Mobile app
ShopID are experts in the field of loyalty programs. Their JoynID mobile application boosts your business and ...

Crypto Trader PRO

Mobile app
A platform for experienced cryptocurrency traders to share their views and experiences. The Head Advisor has o...