Študentski Tolar

The Študentski tolar website is dedicated to providing financial and other support to students in need.

Various assistance programs are presented on the website, such as financial assistance for students' families, subsidized language and professional courses, and free proofreading of diploma and master's theses. It also provides information on current Erasmus+ projects and other activities.

The Študentski tolar Foundation operates within the framework of the Student Organization of the University of Ljubljana.


  • Speeding up the loading of the website
  • Graphic design and logo refresh
  • Clear and simple navigation on the website
  • Editing and design of images and text content
  • Adaptation for mobile devices
  • Bilingual website (SI, EN)
Website design and development - Fundacija Študentski Tolar
Website design and development - Fundacija Študentski Tolar
Website design and development - Fundacija Študentski Tolar
Website design and development - Fundacija Študentski Tolar
Website design and development - Fundacija Študentski Tolar


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