Ljubljanski festival športa

The Ljubljana Sports Festival is an event held in Tivoli Park that brings together sports, entertainment, and socializing for all generations. Visitors can try out more than 40 different sports disciplines, participate in competitions, and enjoy live music performances and culinary delights.

You can choose what you like best, such as volleyball, football, obstacle running, golf, swimming, breakdancing, triathlon, roller skating, tennis, chess, handball, dancing, nostalgic games, curling, table tennis, skiing, judo, karate, pole dancing, cycling, ski jumping, and much more.

The festival is designed to promote a healthy lifestyle and provides the public with the opportunity to explore various sports and spend an active day outdoors. The event is free and open to everyone, encouraging the community to engage in sports activities and outdoor socializing.

In addition to sports, the festival also includes various workshops and presentations by local clubs. It’s an excellent way to spend time actively and discover new sports opportunities in Ljubljana.


  • Presentation of a well-known Ljubljana festival
  • Custom website development from scratch tailored to the company
  • Website design planning (site architecture)
  • Design created according to the client's preferences (UX/UI design, graphic design)
  • Renovation of an old website into a more modern and user-friendly version
  • Technical optimization (image optimization; entire website optimization for fast performance)
  • Employees can easily edit the website through an editor: publishing news, adding images, editing sections, uploading documents, etc.
  • Mobile-friendly (mobile responsive)
  • Clear and easy navigation
  • Basic SEO optimization
  • Transfer of specific desired content from the old to the new website
  • Employees can easily add videos, publish events, programs, etc.
  • Published visitor reviews of the festival
  • Published festival partners/supporters
  • What is posted on Instagram is immediately visible on the website
  • Access to social networks
  • Search option for the program
  • Added Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  • Countdown timer to the event added on the homepage
  • News filtered by the desired sport (categories can be added or removed by employees)
  • Visitors can download the program (PDF with information)
  • Three different registration forms for different groups (community councils, primary schools, companies/employees)
  • Lightbox gallery (visitors click on a thumbnail to enlarge it and can then scroll left/right through them)
  • Dynamic scrolling on the website
  • External organizers/performers can publish their event on the website
  • Cookies
  • Project management
  • Text content entry
  • Image content uploading


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