What Kind of Contact Forms Won’t Scare Away Customers?

20th. June 2024

When a customer wants to connect with you, the contact form is often the first thing they look for. Some forms are easy to fill out, while others feel like filling out a tax return.

Which category do you fall into?

How to turn these intimidating forms into something customers will fill out without frustration?

👍 Keep Them Short and Concise

Collect only essential information. Fewer fields mean less stress for users.

👍 Provide Clear Instructions 

Tell customers what you expect from them. This way, they don't have to guess what you need from them.

👍 Use a Clear Design

Ensure there is enough space between fields to keep the form looking uncluttered.

👍 Mark Required Fields with *

Let users know what is necessary to fill out.

👍 Test the Form on Mobile

Most people use their phones, so everything must work 100% and be easy to understand there.

With these simple steps, you can ensure that your contact form is user-friendly and doesn't repel visitors when they come to your website.

Check out our contact form ↓


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