How to Manage Inventory in Online Store and Increase Profit

10th. July 2024

Is the demand for your products growing?

You barely manage to ship all the orders, and then you have to deal with product returns? Are you or your employees already seeing veins popping on your foreheads? Manually entering and updating inventory, manually processing invoices, manually handling returns... sounds very manual indeed :)

Online sales are very exciting until they "eat up" all your nerves.

They become enjoyable when time-consuming tasks are under control and minimized. A huge plus is that with well-set processes, customer complaints decrease, and your productivity increases.

So how do you achieve this? First, you need to know the answer to the following question.

What do customers REALLY dislike when shopping online?

Poor Inventory Display
When a product appears to be in stock, but it actually isn’t.

Different Prices
When the original product price doesn’t match the one in the cart.

Ignorance After Purchase
When they don’t receive any feedback about what’s happening with their order after placing it.

Complications with Returns
When they have to search for return instructions and fill out a lot of paperwork.

What solves and simplifies all this?

 Inventory That Never Lies
With a program that accurately tracks inventory and always tells the truth about how many products are available.

Integration with Other Programs
Product quantity, price, and all other data are recorded in one program and then automatically synchronized with everything else.

Connection with Physical Stores
Customers can order a product from anywhere (as long as it's available), and you have an overview of everything.

Returns Done Right
The customer receives all documentation and instructions automatically when placing an order. Returns are processed electronically, meaning you don’t have to decipher unreadable hieroglyphs from paper to computer.

Good software ensures that the customer is informed about their order status and inventory in real-time. 

That’s a plus for the customer.

At the same time, it increases your profit because a good experience for customers leads to more purchases.

That’s a plus for you.

Is automating and speeding up the work process something you needed yesterday?


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