How to Expand Your Online Store to Other Countries?

13th. August 2024

Offering your products abroad is a remarkable step for your online store. Suddenly, new doors open up to entirely new customers...

But do you know how to reach them?

We, Slovenians, are known for being hardworking and reserved. Germans are known for their discipline and precision. Spaniards are sociable and passionate. The French are proud and educated.

German Oktoberfest

Would you approach all of us in the same way if you were selling the same product to us in person??
You could try, but it's better not to.

If you want your international store to thrive in foreign markets and generate significant revenue, you need to do more than just translate from your native language.

How can you prepare your store for success in advance?

Adapt Your Online Store to Foreign Users (Localization)

This means taking into account, in advance:

  • local customs,

  • culture, and

  • customer expectations.

You also need to correctly adjust:

  • currency,

  • measurements,

  • pricing, and

  • even color schemes.

Every little detail matters so that foreign customers feel at home in your online store, stay longer, and return regularly.

French woman with a croissant

Adapt Payment Methods

In some places, payment cards (debit cards, credit cards) are more popular, while in others, bank transfers are preferred (especially for larger amounts), and in some places, online payments (PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Revolut...) are more favored.

Offer international customers payment methods they know and trust. This will help you avoid the risk of customers abandoning their shopping cart just before completing the purchase.

Adapt SEO Optimization

For your online store to reach customers in other countries, it is essential to optimize it for each target market individually. Each market may have completely different keywords, and each market needs different content... content that is tailored and relevant only to them.

A good SEO solution is also the "hreflang" tag. Hreflang is a code that tells search engines which country and language a webpage is targeting. This means that, for example, the Italian version of your website will be shown to users in Italy, while the Swedish version will be shown in Sweden.

Such optimization increases the chances that potential customers will find you and decide to make a purchase from you.

Spanish lady dancing Flamenco

Adapt Logistics

Logistics involves planning, managing, and executing all processes necessary for moving goods from the manufacturer to the customer. This includes warehousing, packaging, distribution, inventory management, and transportation.

Distribution includes all activities related to delivering products from the manufacturer to the user. Besides transportation, it also includes inventory management, warehousing, order processing, packaging, and distributing goods to various locations, such as stores or directly to customers.

Transportation is part of logistics and refers to the physical movement of goods from one location to another, whether by road, rail, air, or sea.

Customers expect affordable and fast delivery, so choose reliable partners who can provide this.

To avoid negatively surprising your customers, immediately and clearly communicate:

  • delivery costs,

  • delivery time, and

  • any potential customs duties

Italian man with pizza

Provide Customer Support in Their Language

Imagine you are an Italian and you ask a question in Italian, but receive an answer in German, for example. Yes, Google Translate exists, but that's really not okay.

When expanding into foreign markets, ensure that customers have access to support in their own language. Well, if we turn a blind eye - at least make the support available in English.

Support includes:

  • live chat,

  • email, and

  • phone support.

Respect Local Laws and Regulations

Each country has its own legal requirements, so it is important to check in advance what you need to consider.


  • data protection laws,

  • consumer rights laws, and

  • local tax regulations.

Greek mythology

Monitor Results and Continually Optimize

Be prepared for adjustments, as things may unfold differently than expected. Don’t dismiss issues with a wave of the hand, thinking, "Oh, it's nothing, we'll manage," because adapting your strategy allows you to quickly react and improve your business.

Entering international markets is an important milestone for any online store.

Despite the many challenges it brings, it also opens doors to new opportunities and customers around the world.

Are you considering expanding beyond your home borders?

Let us help you build an online store that turns from a fairy tale into a story with happy ending.


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