How to Attract a Customer to Buy a Product in Online Store

3rd. July 2024

Give the customer what they want and need.
Let your product immediately tells what the customer needs to decide on it.

Photos That Tell Everything

  • Good lighting (natural light, avoiding direct sunlight)

  • Neutral environment that doesn’t distract from the product (clean, single-color background)

  • Various angles and detail shots

▶ Photo Ideas:

  • Front, back, side, left, right • 3D shots, before/after, detail shots

  • Product in use, with different backgrounds, in natural settings

  • With another item for size comparison

  • 360-degree view

  • Interactive photos (zoom capability)

  • Macro shots (for very small details)

  • Photos showing the product in real-life use

Highlight the Benefits:

Emphasize the main benefits of the product. Clearly state why the product will improve the customer's life and solve their problems.

Examples of Benefits:

  • Materials, size, color, weight, shape, texture

  • Temperature resistance, waterproof, UV resistance

  • Easy assembly, easy cleaning, additional accessories

  • Easy to use, time/money savings

  • Safety features, eco-friendly, added value

  • Long lifespan, warranty, certifications and awards

  • Expert opinion, effectiveness, speed of operation

  • Comfort, aesthetics, free accessories

User Comments and Reviews:

  • Ask customers to leave reviews and comments. Encourage them with a discount promise.

  • Display reviews prominently on the product page.

  • Add customer-provided photos or videos to showcase real experiences with the product.

✅ Videos:

  • Short, informative videos that demonstrate the main features and use of the product.

  • Show the product in real-life situations to help customers imagine its use.

By following these tips, you will spend more time initially, but it will pay off in the end.
The customer will have all the information they need for an easier and faster decision at their fingertips.

If you're considering a new online store or a redesign, send us a message.
We'll set it up to sell effectively.


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