Black Friday and a lesson in sales psychology

26th. November 2024

Reading Time:2 min

Black Friday in lekcija iz psihologije prodaje

Black Friday is almost here – a day where you might need to take the whole day off just to hunt for the best discounts.

But have you ever thought about why these campaigns work so well?

It's not just about low prices. Behind it all lies a mix of psychology, technology, and strategies that almost imperceptibly blend together.

The clock is ticking

The phrase “only 2 items left in stock” sparks a sense of urgency in people.

The fear of missing out (FOMO) on a great deal is a powerful motivator for quicker purchases.

The same goes for countdown timers: “Discount valid for only 2 hours, 31 minutes, and 52 seconds.”

Our brains experience just the right amount of “panic” to prompt a purchase while still feeling like we’re making a free choice. After all, it’s our decision whether to buy or not, giving us a sense of control over the process.

But there’s more …

The tricks of technology

When a customer visits an online store, the system is already analyzing:

  • what they’re browsing,

  • what they’re adding to their cart,

  • how long they stay on specific pages…

Based on this, personalized offers start to appear frequently.

Have you noticed this? You looked at a new jacket, and suddenly that jacket is everywhereeee online.

Or, if you’ve been dreaming about a new wallet and browsing for it, that exact model “suddenly” becomes available at a discount – but only until the end of the day.

If you have an online store or a service to offer...

Not everyone is a fan of discounts or lowering their prices, but for those who are, Black Friday can be a golden opportunity for your business. It can significantly impact your sales performance, especially if you’re chasing year-end targets.

For both entrepreneurs and customers, Black Friday can become the most important day of the year – the customer gets a great discount, and the business enjoys a substantial cash influx.

How’s your sales game?

Online sales come down to the details – from how products are presented to how you hold visitors’ attention.

The right psychological approaches and personalization lead to higher success rates and better sales – not just for Black Friday but throughout the year.

If you feel your offers aren’t getting as much attention as they could, send us a message for a free website analysis. We’ll take a look and see what can be improved.

No strings attached!

Until then, pay attention to your thoughts and feelings when you see time-limited offers. Are you unaffected, or does your wallet start opening on its own?

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For a free website analysis, simply enter your contact details and paste the link to your website. That's it :)

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